
Pytest fixtures for Invenio.

Quick start

  1. Define a module-scoped fixture named create_app that returns an application factory for your Invenio installation. If you are using Invenio-App, it’s as simple as:

    from invenio_app.factory import create_ui
    def create_app():
        return create_ui
  2. Write tests:

    def test_e2e(live_server, browser):
        browser.get(url_for('index', _external=True))
    def test_testclient(client):
        res = client.get('/api/')
        res.json == {'test-client': 'with-json-decoder'}
    def test_db(base_app, db):
        # Database with rollback
    def test_cli(cli_runner):
        result = cli_runner(mycmd)
        assert result.exit_code == 0
    def test_mailbox(appctx, mailbox):
        # ...
        assert len(mailbox) == 1

Running tests

Running tests with py.test is pretty simple. Your package might support the standard way of running tests:

$ python test

Alternatively you can use the pytest command to run all or specific test cases:

$ pytest
$ pytest tests/
$ pytest tests/


All available fixtures are documented in the API documentation (see Fixtures).

In addition to the ones provided by pytest-invenio, there are further fixtures defined pytest-flask (see documentation for details).

Structuring tests

The pytest fixtures in pytest-invenio all work on one Flask application, however most Invenio instances usually consits of two Flask applications: UI and API. Thus, to use the pytest-invenio fixtures it’s important to understand how to structure your tests, and know exactly which application you are dealing with.


Most of pytest-invenio fixtures are either module scoped or function scoped.

  • Module scoped fixtures are created/destroyed once per Python test file.

  • Function scoped fixtures are created/destroyed per test.

The fixtures which creates the database and applications are module scoped, hence, all tests in a Python file run against either the UI or the API application, but not both.


All tests in a single file, run against the one and only one application (e.g. UI or REST).

Thus, in a single test file you cannot mix both UI and API tests, which is normally not an issue.

Overriding fixtures

Pytest provides rich support for overriding fixtures at various level and combined with module/function-scoped we can easily override fixtures. Also, you can use to define per-directory fixtures.

Following is an example of how fixtures overriding works:

def myfix():
    return 'root'

def test_a(myfix):
    # will output "root"

# a/
def myfix(myfix):
    return myfix + '-a'

# a/
def test_a(myfix):
    # will output "root-a"

Notice that:

  • Overriding: In a/ the fixture myfix is coming from a/ which is overriding the fixture from In it’s however the myfix fixture from being used.

  • Parent fixture: In a/, the fixture myfix has access to the parent fixture from

Recommend layout

If you are using Invenio-App (recommended), then the following layout is recommended:

# ### tests/ ###
# Common application configuration goes here
def app_config(app_config):
    app_config['MYCONF'] = True
    return app_config

# ### tests/ui/ ###
# UI tests goes in tests/ui/ folder.
from invenio_app.factory import create_ui

def create_app():
    return create_ui

# ### tests/api/ ###
# API tests goes in tests/api/ folder.
from invenio_app.factory import create_api

def create_app():
    return create_api

# ### tests/e2e/ ###
# E2E tests (requring both UI/API) goes in tests/e2e/ folder.
from invenio_app.factory import create_app as create_ui_api

def create_app():
    return create_ui_api

Using above layout you essentially split your tests into three folders:


Each subfolder holds tests related to a specific application (UI or API). The e2e folder holds tests that need both UI and API application (which is typically the case for end-to-end tests). The E2E tests works by creating both the UI and API applications and using a special WSGI middleware to dispatch requests between both applications. Having two applications at the same time, can however cause quite a lot of confusion so it is only recommended for E2E tests.

Note, also in above example how all three applications are sharing the same app_config fixture.


You shouldn’t feel bound to above structure. If you site grows large, you’ll likely split tests into further subfolders. The important message from the recommended layout, is that you need one folder per application.

Application fixtures

The package provides three different application fixtures:

  • base_app: Basic application fixture which creates the Flask application.

  • appctx: Same as the basic application fixture, but pushes an application context onto the stack (i.e. makes current_app work).

  • app: Same as the basic application, but in addition it initializes the database and search indices.

All three fixtures depend on the same user-provided (i.e. you must define it) fixture named create_app which must return an application factory (see Quick start).

Customizing configuration

The application fixtures rely on fixtures such as instance_path, app_config, celery_config_ext, db_uri, broker_uri to inject configuration into the application.

You can overwrite each of these fixtures at many different levels:

  • Global: Override one or more of these fixtures in your global to inject the same configuration in all applications.

  • Per-directory: Override fixtures for a specific subdirectory by putting a in the directory.

  • Per-file: Fixtures can also be overwritten in specific modules. For instance you may want to customize the celery configuration only for a specific Python test file.

Injecting entry points

Invenio relies heavily upon entry points for constructing a Flask application, and it can be rather cumbersome to try to manually register database models, mappings and other features afterwards.

You can therefore inject extra entry points if needed during testing via the extra_entry_points fixture and use it in your custom create_app() fixture:

def extra_entry_points():
    return {
        'invenio_db.models': [
            'mock_module = mock_module.models',

def create_app(entry_points):
    return _create_api

Note that create_app() depends on the entry_points fixture not the extra_entry_points().

Views testing

Views can easily be testing using the Flask test clients. Two test clients are provided for convenience: base_client and client. The only difference is which application fixture they depend on:

def test_view1(base_client):
    # Depends on 'base_app' fixture

def test_view2(client):
    # Depends on 'app' fixture

JSON responses

The default Flask test client does not have built-in support for decoding JSON responses, which can make API testing a bit cumbersome. The test clients are therefore patched to add a JSON property:

def test_api(base_client):
    res = base_client.get(...)
    assert res.json == { ... }

Database re-use

The default database is an SQLite database located in the application’s instance folder. This can easily be overwritten by setting the environment variable SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI (useful e.g. in CI systems to test multiple databases).

Tests that make changes to the database should explicitly use the function scoped db fixture. This fixture wraps the changes in a transaction and rollback any changes by the end of the test. For instance:

def test_db1(db):
    assert User.query.count() == 1 # i.e. independent of test_db2

def test_db2(db):
    assert User.query.count() == 1  # i.e. independent of test_db1


Take care! The db fixture does not rollback other changes. If data, in addition to being added to the database, is also indexed in the search cluster then you should clear the index explicitly using e.g. search_clear.

Performance considerations

The database is recreated (all tables dropped and recreated) for each test file, because the database is a module scoped fixture. This adds a performance overhead, thus be careful not to indirectly depend on the database fixtures in a file unless it is really necessary (e.g. via the app fixture).

Search testing

Pytest-Invenio depends on Invenio-Search and any mappings registered on Invenio-Search will be created if you depend on the search fixture. The fixture is module scoped, meaning that any fixture you write to e.g. load test data should likely also be module scoped.

Clearing changes

Unlike the database fixture, which automatically rollback changes, you must explicitly depend on the search_clear fixture if you makes changes to the indexes. This ensures that you leave the indexes in a clean state for the next test. The search_clear fixture will however delete and recreate the indexes, and thus comes with a performance penalty if used.

def test_search1(search_clear):
    # ...

Performance considerations

As for the database fixtures, search indices are deleted and recreated for each test file (due to module scoped fixture). Thus be careful not to indirectly depend on the database fixtures in a file unless it is really necessary (e.g. via the app fixture).

CLI testing

Pytest-Invenio provides two quick short cuts for easier testing Click-based commands that require an application context (i.e. most commands).

The shortest version is to use the cli_runner fixture:

def test_cmd(cli_runner):
    result = cli_runner(mycmd)
    assert result.exit_code == 0

The downside is that the Click CLIRunner is recreated for each call. This is not necessary, so an alternative is to use the script_info fixture, which however is more verbose:

def test_cmd(script_info):
    runner = CliRunner()
    result = runner.invoke(mycmd, obj=script_info)
    assert result.exit_code == 0

Mail testing

If you have Invenio-Mail installed on your application, you can use the mailbox fixture to test email sending. Any message sent by the application during the test will be captured and is inspectable in via the fixture:

def test_mailbox(appctx, mailbox):
    assert len(mailbox) == 0
    assert len(mailbox) == 1

End-to-end testing

In addition to using the Flask test client for testing views (see Views testing), you can use a real browser via the Selenium integration for fully end-to-end testing. The tests works by starting the Flask application in a separate process, and using Selenium to drive your favorite browser. Writing the tests are very easy, simply depend on the live_server fixture (defined by pytest-flask) and the browser fixture:

def test_browser(live_server, browser):
    # Note the use of '_external=True'
    browser.get(url_for('index', _external=True))

Running E2E tests

By default, tests using the browser fixture are skipped. In order to run these tests, you must set an environment variable:

$ export E2E=yes

Also, by default Chrome is used. If you’d like to use Firefox, Safari or another browser you must set another environment variable:

$ export E2E_WEBDRIVER_BROWSERS="Firefox"


You must have Selenium Client and the Chrome Webdriver installed on your system in order to run the E2E tests.


The browser fixture will take a screenshot of in case of test failures and store it in a folder .e2e_screenshots. On CI systems you can also have screenshot printed to the console by setting an environment variable:

$ export E2E_OUTPUT=base64

TravisCI integration

Following is an example of the needed changes (at time of writing) to your .travis.yml in case want to run E2E tests on Travis. Travis is likely to evolve, so please refer to the Travis CI documentation for the latest information.

# Install Chrome
# - see
  chrome: stable

# Chrome driver fails if not trusty dist
dist: trusty

# Selenium webdriver for Chrome fails if not on sudo
# - see
sudo: true

# Define environment variables to enable E2E tests and outputing
# screenshots to the console.
    # Print screenshots to console output
    - E2E_OUTPUT=base64
    # Enable end-to-end tests
    - E2E=yes

# Install Chrome webdriver for Selenium
  - "PATH=$PATH:$HOME/webdrivers"
  - "if [ ! -f $HOME/webdrivers/chromedriver ]; then wget -P   $HOME/webdrivers; unzip -d $HOME/webdrivers $HOME/webdrivers/; fi"  # noqa

# Start a virtual display
# -
  - "export DISPLAY=:99.0"
  - "sh -e /etc/init.d/xvfb start"
  - sleep 3 # give xvfb some time to start